Monday, November 15, 2010

mY hIgh School cRush

I had a crush in high school once,
One that always made me feel like a dunce,
Tripping like duck with a dry feet,
Whenever I meet her on the street.

The jocks like peacock parades around the school,

Looking for a fool to make them look cool,
Like an angel out of the blue,
She appeared and eyes stuck on her like glue,

I tripped, I fumbled,

All my earlier resolve to face her crumbled,
The jocks that want to look cool,
Caught sight of my stature drool,

Got drawn to me like a moth to a fire,

To vapulate me thoroughly was their desire,
But bravely she stood between me and my obvious doom,
And caused the trouble loving boys to leave in a gloom.

She offered me a hand,

So that I could get on my feet and stand,
I brushed her aside like a prized dirt,
As I struggled to catch my breath.

She smiled and took no offense,

Her response made me tense,
Then, she asked for my name,
Unbelievably my vocal cavity went totally lame.

Denying me any ability to reply her,

And such opportunities are very rare,
As though harmattan and rain were locked in a french kiss,
The jock's snare after she left, my memory couldn't miss.

1 comment:

Jet said...

9day ^^!

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♥..♥  ║╚═╣╚╝║║║╚╝║  ♥..♥
♥..♥  ╚══╩══╝╚╩══╝  ♥..♥

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