hey friends, happy new year, been suffering from writer's bloc for a while now, hope you can forgive me for starving you all this while. well I got a new one for you.......sit back and enjoy the ride with me,,,
Adanna’s radiant face was glowing, yes, those funny feelings of yesteryears has found its way to my head yet again. For the first time since I started this race, it is now dawning on me that I may actually end up a victor at the end of it all.
I remember her only slightly well now, we were a match made from heaven. She was the only individual weirder than me in all of the camp. We became friends not because she wanted to become my friend but because I wanted to understand her. She was so infamous for her impulsiveness that it drove everybody away from her and it attracted random wolves like me.
Nobody understood her, she wanted to do it all, enjoy it all, the whole nine yards of the camping experience. We were at different sides of the coin in this though, I had no desire whatsoever to enjoy anything that the camp had to offer, I just wanted to do my time and get off the island.

But Adanna fascinated me, I was driven by a deep desire to know her and understand her, but she could not even care less who I was or even if I existed. Physically I was not attracted to her, if I was it would have made the job easier but I wasn’t.
Then came the posting out of the camp, and lo and behold we were posted to the same area and hence our romance began. Our affair was fueled by the extreme similarities between us two, despite the fact that occasionally or shall I put, more often than not, I was always at the center of the critics especially when the issue involved her. Adanna was the person I wanted to become, she was a goal getter, she never saw obstacles, all she ever sees are possibilities and I was her exact opposite.
The first time we said anything to each other, we were at different sides of a particular coin on a particular issue in a routine CDS meeting once, and after listening to me go on and on about the impossibility of a particular situation, she calmly stood up and gave several solutions to the seemingly impossible tasks ahead. I was angry, she just took my ego wrapped it into a ball and kicked it into a waste basket.

I swallowed my pride, held my head high and didn’t say a word till the meeting was over. As I was walking towards the exit of the place where the meeting took place, somebody tapped me from behind, I looked back and lo and behold, it was Adanna smiling sweetly at me.
“hey, handsome” she said sweetly as she approached me. I was stunned at that compliment for two reasons, number one was the fact that as far as I was concerned I was nowhere near handsome as a guy and the second reason was the fact that I thought she didn’t like me.
“Why do you look so startled? Like you just saw a ghost…” she smiled and gave me a little jab on my shoulder. “Somebody has been making some assumptions about me in his mind”
“And why would you assume that?” I managed to ask after finally overcoming my initial shock.
“It’s written all over you face, I can assume that I tripped your ego during the meeting”
“You may not learn this anywhere else” I said calmly, trying to take control of the conversation. “ It’s been said in some quarters that assumptions are the ………….”
“Lowest form of knowledge” Adanna interrupted swiftly, the smile on her face had not vanished but she sounded rather irritated. “I know, it was a statement credited to Dr. Ed Cole.”
“Someone is brushing up on their history” I said with a grin.
“Apparently you didn’t read the article” she said calmly “that statement has nothing to do with history”
My eyes glared with anger, here she was again, giving me a lecture, what was her problem, and can’t she just shut her mouth? What was she doing talking to me sef?
As though she could read my mind…she said
“I’m doing it again, right?” I was dumbfounded, awestruck, I could not answer her, and to add insult to injury, my voice failed me. ‘
“I’m a talkative and I can by very insulting at times. I’m sorry about what I said earlier. I just came to apologize.”
More than ever, I was humbled, or shall I say that I was impressed? How is it possible that she found it necessary to apologize? I would never have done that, I told myself.
“I’m sorry too; I allowed my ego to get the better of me. So so sorry” she just brushed my apology aside as though it meant nothing.
“You don’t have to apologize, I intruded on your zone and tried to make it mine, please don’t mind me” she said rubbing my back in a rather friendly manner. I was expecting her touch to be gentle but I was met with a disappointment, she was as a rough as a guy would be. Then without saying another word, she just left, leaving my mind to trail what could have been in her mind.