On the Wings of Words! May I fly and feel superior! for your comments, criticisms and advice please write to tolulopeojuola@yahoo.com or better still follow me on twitter @Tolu_Blazers I always follow back, just give me a mention. thank you.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Hey Tunji, do you remember the love letter written on the board and the one that was handwritten and addressed to Eniola? Nobody ever claimed responsibility for it, remember my predictions and remember your blackmail. Sometimes I wondered what was on my mind that I had to confide in a person like you'.
The above was a letter to my friend when we were in J. S. S 3. But I never sent that letter because I realised that I was wrong, because its when you are in trouble that you know who your real friends are. Tunji stood by me despite the fact that I was accused of writing a love letter to a person that I didn't even like. Now, you've got to know that in those days, such things as writing letters were classified as punishable offences in school and moreover I had a history with stuffs like that back from primary school days, I enjoyed or how would I put it now? I enjoyed expressing myself with written words than saying it out. So because of that I found myself getting in trouble more than often because of certain write ups that have been written by me. Indeed, as a person that loves putting things in black and white, my predictive capabilities are second to none. It was easy for me to tell the outcome of seeming circumstances, hence, my dreams were also exceptional and precise. Precise in the sense that I was able to tell the future accurately without having prior knowledge of the circumstances that heralded the dream. It was a strange ability for a young boy of around 12years of age to have. Not having anyone to confide upon, I confided in my best friend then, Tunji. I saw in a dream that a classmate of ours was going to die, so I told Tunji. In good faith he heard it, and as a good friend he told me to calm down that nothing of that sort can happen. I did calm down but two weeks after my dream, a guy died in our class indeed and I was distraut. It was painful because I thought that I could have done something to stop that thing from happening but instead I calmed down.You wont believe what Tunji did afterwards to me, he got me to do any thing he wanted by blackmail. He told me that the he was going to report me to the rest of the J. S. S 2 folks that I was responsible for little Layiwola's death. I was scared, as in terrified as though I was thrown into a lion's den. That blackmail worked on me like a charm, based on the fact that I was already a known face in the school staff room for the troubles that I started with my pen and papers, so being associated with witchcraft seemed to me like a death sentence.
Tunji's blackmail got us to be friends till J. S. S 3 despite the fact that we fought severally and his last stroke was always to use the blackmail to draw me back to his beck and call. That dude was very smart but I was stupid. You know something funny? Everyone always marvelled at our friendship because whenever we fought, we always got back together and our classmates always refered to us as 'hens'.
To be continued
This story and its characters are completely fictional. It isn't an attempt to attack anyone or discredit anyone.
By Ojuola Tolulope Daniel
Source: http://www.facebook.com/#!/note.php?...d=389654403656
'I walked in while they were kissing, I was dumbfounded, neither Tunji nor Tosin knew that I was there at all, because I left before they knew it.'
How is it possible that my bestfriend was kissing my girlfriend? Well, my case wouldn't have been the first of its kind. You probably have heard alot of people talking about this kind of betrayal, it is no more new. But this case is peculiar, not because it happened to me, but because of the circumstances that led to it happening.
Tunji is a fine boy, he had always been the most handsome of our pair. Girls naturally warm up to him but Tunji wasn't in anyway smart about how he handled them. Sometimes he'd be involved with a girl and break up with her almost immediately because the girl wanted something that he couldn't give.
Myself on the other hand didn't possess Tunji's looks or swags as people call it now. I was just a charming young chap with a very good taste in women (at least I thought so). So it would be reasonable to call us both two sides of a coin. Tunji had the looks, I had the brains. In those days, looks were more lucrative when it came to getting the hottest girls than brains. We were in S. S. 1 and we attended the same tutorial centre. In our tutorial centre, there were a flock of girls that were ready to date any guy that was cute enough for them. Naturally, Tunji was the luckier of the pair, a very pretty looking girl practically asked him out, but she wanted to play hard to get for a little while. So I intervened on my friends' behalf, employing all my charms to get the girl to talk to me about how she trully felt about Tunji. Indeed the negotiations went on for a long period and I also got involved with a pretty girl named Tosin, who practically told me that I wasn't the kind of guy she'ld love to date but she'll manage me because I'm smart (imagine that!). Being with Tosin helped me to understand girls to a very good extent. So I got very close to Bunmi, Tunji's girlfriend to be. But the girl didn't budge, infact she told me point blank that my friend isn't smart, that if he was smart enough that she'll probably be in his arms already.
Bunmi had a friend by the name of Tope, who I happened to share a few of her passions like poetry, rock music and writing. I got really engrossed in my friendship with her that I probably was ignoring my girlfriend, who was so fragile despite her rather bratish attitude.
Tosin went to Tunji and reported me to him that I was cheating on her. By the time Tunji told me about her claim, it sounded funny to my ears because Tope already told me categorically that she doesn't date secondary school boys who couldn't even afford to treat her out or foot her other expenses. So I went back to my girl and made things right with her. Meanwhile Tunji finally had his breakthrough with Bunmi and they already a couple. But I didn't end my obsession with Tope, as we exchanged books and rock c.ds. Tosin was always jealous and she told me to stop seeing her. I concured, and I deviced other ways to see Tope. In truth, my relationship with her was harmless, but Tosin would have none of that. So the story went and I got to lesson rather late than normal on that beautiful friday evening. I was held up by my dad's arrival from Kiev, Ukraine and he wanted to see me. By the time I got to the tutorial centre, I didn't go straight to the classroom because I was late and my arrival would have disrupted the flow of lectures, so I went to our enclave in that tutorial centre, that was situated on the rooftop, there I saw Tunji clearly kissing and smooshing my babe, and she responded so well that I was forced to stare for awhile as if I was watching a love scene in a movie. They didn't even notice me staring at them, they just kept on doing it and obviously they were so much in the hots for each other.
So I left without alerting either of them. Why I didn't stop them, I have never been able to figure it out. But that was how the cookie crumbled.
To be continued...
This story wasn't written to spite anyone. The story and the characters are purely fictional. Please drop a comment to encourage the writer.
SOURCE: http://www.facebook.com/#!/note.php?...d=389957563656
The above was a letter to my friend when we were in J. S. S 3. But I never sent that letter because I realised that I was wrong, because its when you are in trouble that you know who your real friends are. Tunji stood by me despite the fact that I was accused of writing a love letter to a person that I didn't even like. Now, you've got to know that in those days, such things as writing letters were classified as punishable offences in school and moreover I had a history with stuffs like that back from primary school days, I enjoyed or how would I put it now? I enjoyed expressing myself with written words than saying it out. So because of that I found myself getting in trouble more than often because of certain write ups that have been written by me. Indeed, as a person that loves putting things in black and white, my predictive capabilities are second to none. It was easy for me to tell the outcome of seeming circumstances, hence, my dreams were also exceptional and precise. Precise in the sense that I was able to tell the future accurately without having prior knowledge of the circumstances that heralded the dream. It was a strange ability for a young boy of around 12years of age to have. Not having anyone to confide upon, I confided in my best friend then, Tunji. I saw in a dream that a classmate of ours was going to die, so I told Tunji. In good faith he heard it, and as a good friend he told me to calm down that nothing of that sort can happen. I did calm down but two weeks after my dream, a guy died in our class indeed and I was distraut. It was painful because I thought that I could have done something to stop that thing from happening but instead I calmed down.You wont believe what Tunji did afterwards to me, he got me to do any thing he wanted by blackmail. He told me that the he was going to report me to the rest of the J. S. S 2 folks that I was responsible for little Layiwola's death. I was scared, as in terrified as though I was thrown into a lion's den. That blackmail worked on me like a charm, based on the fact that I was already a known face in the school staff room for the troubles that I started with my pen and papers, so being associated with witchcraft seemed to me like a death sentence.
Tunji's blackmail got us to be friends till J. S. S 3 despite the fact that we fought severally and his last stroke was always to use the blackmail to draw me back to his beck and call. That dude was very smart but I was stupid. You know something funny? Everyone always marvelled at our friendship because whenever we fought, we always got back together and our classmates always refered to us as 'hens'.
To be continued
This story and its characters are completely fictional. It isn't an attempt to attack anyone or discredit anyone.
By Ojuola Tolulope Daniel
Source: http://www.facebook.com/#!/note.php?...d=389654403656
'I walked in while they were kissing, I was dumbfounded, neither Tunji nor Tosin knew that I was there at all, because I left before they knew it.'
How is it possible that my bestfriend was kissing my girlfriend? Well, my case wouldn't have been the first of its kind. You probably have heard alot of people talking about this kind of betrayal, it is no more new. But this case is peculiar, not because it happened to me, but because of the circumstances that led to it happening.
Tunji is a fine boy, he had always been the most handsome of our pair. Girls naturally warm up to him but Tunji wasn't in anyway smart about how he handled them. Sometimes he'd be involved with a girl and break up with her almost immediately because the girl wanted something that he couldn't give.
Myself on the other hand didn't possess Tunji's looks or swags as people call it now. I was just a charming young chap with a very good taste in women (at least I thought so). So it would be reasonable to call us both two sides of a coin. Tunji had the looks, I had the brains. In those days, looks were more lucrative when it came to getting the hottest girls than brains. We were in S. S. 1 and we attended the same tutorial centre. In our tutorial centre, there were a flock of girls that were ready to date any guy that was cute enough for them. Naturally, Tunji was the luckier of the pair, a very pretty looking girl practically asked him out, but she wanted to play hard to get for a little while. So I intervened on my friends' behalf, employing all my charms to get the girl to talk to me about how she trully felt about Tunji. Indeed the negotiations went on for a long period and I also got involved with a pretty girl named Tosin, who practically told me that I wasn't the kind of guy she'ld love to date but she'll manage me because I'm smart (imagine that!). Being with Tosin helped me to understand girls to a very good extent. So I got very close to Bunmi, Tunji's girlfriend to be. But the girl didn't budge, infact she told me point blank that my friend isn't smart, that if he was smart enough that she'll probably be in his arms already.
Bunmi had a friend by the name of Tope, who I happened to share a few of her passions like poetry, rock music and writing. I got really engrossed in my friendship with her that I probably was ignoring my girlfriend, who was so fragile despite her rather bratish attitude.
Tosin went to Tunji and reported me to him that I was cheating on her. By the time Tunji told me about her claim, it sounded funny to my ears because Tope already told me categorically that she doesn't date secondary school boys who couldn't even afford to treat her out or foot her other expenses. So I went back to my girl and made things right with her. Meanwhile Tunji finally had his breakthrough with Bunmi and they already a couple. But I didn't end my obsession with Tope, as we exchanged books and rock c.ds. Tosin was always jealous and she told me to stop seeing her. I concured, and I deviced other ways to see Tope. In truth, my relationship with her was harmless, but Tosin would have none of that. So the story went and I got to lesson rather late than normal on that beautiful friday evening. I was held up by my dad's arrival from Kiev, Ukraine and he wanted to see me. By the time I got to the tutorial centre, I didn't go straight to the classroom because I was late and my arrival would have disrupted the flow of lectures, so I went to our enclave in that tutorial centre, that was situated on the rooftop, there I saw Tunji clearly kissing and smooshing my babe, and she responded so well that I was forced to stare for awhile as if I was watching a love scene in a movie. They didn't even notice me staring at them, they just kept on doing it and obviously they were so much in the hots for each other.
So I left without alerting either of them. Why I didn't stop them, I have never been able to figure it out. But that was how the cookie crumbled.
To be continued...
This story wasn't written to spite anyone. The story and the characters are purely fictional. Please drop a comment to encourage the writer.
SOURCE: http://www.facebook.com/#!/note.php?...d=389957563656
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Introducing 5B by Emmanuel Iduma
5B is to serve as a network for young
writers, under 35 and of African
descent, currently working on a novel.
The goal of the Network is to assist the
5 members of the network in
completing a novel - by way of
critiques, editorial suggestions and
publishing hints. However, the
objective is open-ended. The first
project of the network will begin in
October 2011.
Interested members should take note
of the following:
The novel should be in progress at
the time of application to participate
The number is kept at 5 so that the
members can develop friendship
while working on their books
Only writers of literary fiction will be
admitted as members
The first project of the network aims
at ensuring that all the five members,
at the end of a year, have
completed manuscripts ready for
representation and/or publishing
The project shall last between
October 2011 and August 2012
Each member will be required to
make weekly contributions of a part
of the novel in progress. Please note
that a high level of cooperation is
demanded - The work will be
The contributions of each member
shall not exceed 25 installments. As
such, members will have the
discretion of dividing their work into
a maximum of 25 parts. This is
subject to review
The members will decide on a
platform to share their writing, and
an avenue for virtual meetings and
discussions. Discussions will also be
held once a week.
Other details will be finalized as
soon as members are selected.
If interested, please contact
Emmanuel by email (emma.iduma@
gmail.com). Send a summary of your
plot, the proposed word range, a brief
publishing history, a short (or long)
introduction about yourself, and any
other detail you feel is important for
the purpose of the project. The
selection process is simple and quick;
applications will be treated in the order
they are recieved. Send in your email
before September 20. If before then
selection is complete, subsequent
applicants will be duely informed. As
this is not a competition, the decision
of who is to become a member is
entirely based on the interests of the
writers, under 35 and of African
descent, currently working on a novel.
The goal of the Network is to assist the
5 members of the network in
completing a novel - by way of
critiques, editorial suggestions and
publishing hints. However, the
objective is open-ended. The first
project of the network will begin in
October 2011.
Interested members should take note
of the following:
The novel should be in progress at
the time of application to participate
The number is kept at 5 so that the
members can develop friendship
while working on their books
Only writers of literary fiction will be
admitted as members
The first project of the network aims
at ensuring that all the five members,
at the end of a year, have
completed manuscripts ready for
representation and/or publishing
The project shall last between
October 2011 and August 2012
Each member will be required to
make weekly contributions of a part
of the novel in progress. Please note
that a high level of cooperation is
demanded - The work will be
The contributions of each member
shall not exceed 25 installments. As
such, members will have the
discretion of dividing their work into
a maximum of 25 parts. This is
subject to review
The members will decide on a
platform to share their writing, and
an avenue for virtual meetings and
discussions. Discussions will also be
held once a week.
Other details will be finalized as
soon as members are selected.
If interested, please contact
Emmanuel by email (emma.iduma@
gmail.com). Send a summary of your
plot, the proposed word range, a brief
publishing history, a short (or long)
introduction about yourself, and any
other detail you feel is important for
the purpose of the project. The
selection process is simple and quick;
applications will be treated in the order
they are recieved. Send in your email
before September 20. If before then
selection is complete, subsequent
applicants will be duely informed. As
this is not a competition, the decision
of who is to become a member is
entirely based on the interests of the
Monday, September 5, 2011
The You In Me by Ojuola David Abayomi
Do you know how I feel
I wonder why you call it Pain
Do you see when you look
In the brightness through utter
I am here
Should you not be there
Though we make most of what we
We cannot know all they take
All I know is what I make
What's been made is what will show
An identity given to what many may
never know
In snow I am warm for a Kindred but
hurtful one resides in my Heart
In snooze we are one for all worries
seems to vanish momentarily
Yet in the wake she arouses like an
eagle sowering far above
Set to plunge bringing one to it's end,
not in hatred maybe for love
Yes the love of our Belly
When did things become so messy
Many atimes I pretend to be busy
But only you know of the me you call
Lazy me but crazy you
Crazy you with many faults
Very much needed to prove my worth
My Worth I think, even the world
knows your path
My path you plot, for u alone know
where to start
We plan for now
We play tommorrow
Where is yesterday, why can't today
What about everyday
Questions asked by a twisted mind
Queries out of mindless kind
I wonder why you call it Pain
Do you see when you look
In the brightness through utter
I am here
Should you not be there
Though we make most of what we
We cannot know all they take
All I know is what I make
What's been made is what will show
An identity given to what many may
never know
In snow I am warm for a Kindred but
hurtful one resides in my Heart
In snooze we are one for all worries
seems to vanish momentarily
Yet in the wake she arouses like an
eagle sowering far above
Set to plunge bringing one to it's end,
not in hatred maybe for love
Yes the love of our Belly
When did things become so messy
Many atimes I pretend to be busy
But only you know of the me you call
Lazy me but crazy you
Crazy you with many faults
Very much needed to prove my worth
My Worth I think, even the world
knows your path
My path you plot, for u alone know
where to start
We plan for now
We play tommorrow
Where is yesterday, why can't today
What about everyday
Questions asked by a twisted mind
Queries out of mindless kind
Monday, August 29, 2011
WTF Moment
WTF Moment
WTF Moment
San Francisco, CA Author Bolaji Tijani
Qudus marks his debut in the
publishing world with the release of
WTF Moment.
This novel blends friendship, marriage
disasters, and entertaining surprises
into one compelling tale.
Devin Lewis is trying to piece his life
together as he reels from a recent
separation that is inevitably headed
for divorce.
As Devin tries to sort his life out, he
helps his close buddies work through
their own equally testy situations—
Brandon finds out that his wife of
fifteen years has been dabbling on
the side with another woman, and
Chris’s picture-perfect marriage is
shattered by cruel fate.
The only thing certain is their
friendship as the men navigate
through a mirage of dating disasters,
concupiscence fulfillment, comedic
interludes, and serious conversations.
Despite his good looks and charm,
Devin realizes that starting over isn’t
as easy as he thought it would be.
Then, when it seems as though love
isn’t in the cards for Devin, he finds
companionship and uncanny
chemistry in the least likely of places.
At last, Devin’s new acquaintance may
just bring him the peace of mind he’s
been longiñg för.
WTF Moment
WTF Moment
WTF Moment
San Francisco, CA Author Bolaji Tijani
Qudus marks his debut in the
publishing world with the release of
WTF Moment.
This novel blends friendship, marriage
disasters, and entertaining surprises
into one compelling tale.
Devin Lewis is trying to piece his life
together as he reels from a recent
separation that is inevitably headed
for divorce.
As Devin tries to sort his life out, he
helps his close buddies work through
their own equally testy situations—
Brandon finds out that his wife of
fifteen years has been dabbling on
the side with another woman, and
Chris’s picture-perfect marriage is
shattered by cruel fate.
The only thing certain is their
friendship as the men navigate
through a mirage of dating disasters,
concupiscence fulfillment, comedic
interludes, and serious conversations.
Despite his good looks and charm,
Devin realizes that starting over isn’t
as easy as he thought it would be.
Then, when it seems as though love
isn’t in the cards for Devin, he finds
companionship and uncanny
chemistry in the least likely of places.
At last, Devin’s new acquaintance may
just bring him the peace of mind he’s
been longiñg för.
ARE YOU THE ONE? PART ONE BY Olusanya Opeoluwa
Are you the one who doesnt take life
serious? Someone's got a better offer.
Are you the one who doesnt care
about the world around you? You're
not working for God.
Are you the one who takes pride in
the little you have?
Somebody has 100 folds.
Are you the one who spoils a friend in
front of the other? You need to grow
Are you the one who doesnt know
how to forgive? Life's rather too short.
Are you the one who takes your time
doing bad? What goes around comes
Are you the one? You had better
change......to be continued
serious? Someone's got a better offer.
Are you the one who doesnt care
about the world around you? You're
not working for God.
Are you the one who takes pride in
the little you have?
Somebody has 100 folds.
Are you the one who spoils a friend in
front of the other? You need to grow
Are you the one who doesnt know
how to forgive? Life's rather too short.
Are you the one who takes your time
doing bad? What goes around comes
Are you the one? You had better
change......to be continued
Monday, July 25, 2011
Screaming Silence by Ojuola David Abayomi
Listen to the silence
The quietness of the present
The realities of existence
It will speak with patience
Deep truths with much eloqence
Listen to the silence
The force of the present
You can't but reckon with it's influence
It can't be felt as violence
Just feel the effect truely pleasant...
The quietness of the present
The realities of existence
It will speak with patience
Deep truths with much eloqence
Listen to the silence
The force of the present
You can't but reckon with it's influence
It can't be felt as violence
Just feel the effect truely pleasant...
Pain Of my Friend by Ojuola David Abayomi
He laid in bed, broken legged not
broken spirit
He works tirelessly so as to return to
his pursuit of a golden life
On his bed he looks ahead, still he
tries to smile
People feel his smile is a lie
But he knows to walk he must keep
His pains must be endured even
through his crying
Even when he felt he was dying
Still he fought for life and all he
He's done his part, it's time for the
Supreme Being to move-in.
broken spirit
He works tirelessly so as to return to
his pursuit of a golden life
On his bed he looks ahead, still he
tries to smile
People feel his smile is a lie
But he knows to walk he must keep
His pains must be endured even
through his crying
Even when he felt he was dying
Still he fought for life and all he
He's done his part, it's time for the
Supreme Being to move-in.
Pain Of my Friend by Ojuola David Abayomi
He laid in bed, broken legged not
broken spirit
He works tirelessly so as to return to
his pursuit of a golden life
On his bed he looks ahead, still he
tries to smile
People feel his smile is a lie
But he knows to walk he must keep
His pains must be endured even
through his crying
Even when he felt he was dying
Still he fought for life and all he
He's done his part, it's time for the
Supreme Being to move-in.
broken spirit
He works tirelessly so as to return to
his pursuit of a golden life
On his bed he looks ahead, still he
tries to smile
People feel his smile is a lie
But he knows to walk he must keep
His pains must be endured even
through his crying
Even when he felt he was dying
Still he fought for life and all he
He's done his part, it's time for the
Supreme Being to move-in.
Me and Loss by Ojuola David Abayomi
We were friends yet I was blessed
You're real and you are my goddess
For your love,our friendship I didn't
want to stress
I am lost,for I've lost what was meant
to bless
You cut me loose, and my words are
My heart in tatters but I'm still not
A heart aches in pain
Alas my words I found again
I'm not right,but I write to remain sane
I looked and I saw only things
I look and I see you going away like a
Let it rain,for I'm filled with my filth
Can gain bring pain, will pay make way
I pray and wait but hope I'm not too
They'll say and we'll see the fruition of
our creation
Our mission not sure, for vision now
seems blurred.
You're real and you are my goddess
For your love,our friendship I didn't
want to stress
I am lost,for I've lost what was meant
to bless
You cut me loose, and my words are
My heart in tatters but I'm still not
A heart aches in pain
Alas my words I found again
I'm not right,but I write to remain sane
I looked and I saw only things
I look and I see you going away like a
Let it rain,for I'm filled with my filth
Can gain bring pain, will pay make way
I pray and wait but hope I'm not too
They'll say and we'll see the fruition of
our creation
Our mission not sure, for vision now
seems blurred.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
True and False Faith by Ewuoso Olajide Isaac
Believe on the lord Jesus Christ and
you shall be saved, not believe in the
church of Christ; believe in the lord
Jesus Christ and you shall be saved,
not believe in the lord preacher;
believe in the lord Jesus Christ and
you shall be saved, not believe in the
self- righteous hypocrite; believe in the
man of salvation, the lord Jesus Chris
and you shall be saved, not believe in
the plan of salvation only given to you
by the evangelist. Because the bible
believing church, the sincere preacher,
the true Christian who displays Christ
likeness in his lifestyle and thus
disprove the religious hypocrite, and
the Holy bible which contains the plan
of salvation, all amount to nothing if
Jesus does not top the list of these
aforementioned attributes. He [Jesus]
has said “the servant is not greater
than his master.” So why your faith
should be grounded on these
attributes without Jesus?
July 9 at 4:53am
you shall be saved, not believe in the
church of Christ; believe in the lord
Jesus Christ and you shall be saved,
not believe in the lord preacher;
believe in the lord Jesus Christ and
you shall be saved, not believe in the
self- righteous hypocrite; believe in the
man of salvation, the lord Jesus Chris
and you shall be saved, not believe in
the plan of salvation only given to you
by the evangelist. Because the bible
believing church, the sincere preacher,
the true Christian who displays Christ
likeness in his lifestyle and thus
disprove the religious hypocrite, and
the Holy bible which contains the plan
of salvation, all amount to nothing if
Jesus does not top the list of these
aforementioned attributes. He [Jesus]
has said “the servant is not greater
than his master.” So why your faith
should be grounded on these
attributes without Jesus?
July 9 at 4:53am
True or False Faith by Ewuoso Olajide Isaac
Believe on the lord Jesus Christ and
you shall be saved, not believe in the
church of Christ; believe in the lord
Jesus Christ and you shall be saved,
not believe in the lord preacher;
believe in the lord Jesus Christ and
you shall be saved, not believe in the
self- righteous hypocrite; believe in the
man of salvation, the lord Jesus Chris
and you shall be saved, not believe in
the plan of salvation only given to you
by the evangelist. Because the bible
believing church, the sincere preacher,
the true Christian who displays Christ
likeness in his lifestyle and thus
disprove the religious hypocrite, and
the Holy bible which contains the plan
of salvation, all amount to nothing if
Jesus does not top the list of these
aforementioned attributes. He [Jesus]
has said “the servant is not greater
than his master.” So why your faith
should be grounded on these
attributes without Jesus?
July 9 at 4:53am
you shall be saved, not believe in the
church of Christ; believe in the lord
Jesus Christ and you shall be saved,
not believe in the lord preacher;
believe in the lord Jesus Christ and
you shall be saved, not believe in the
self- righteous hypocrite; believe in the
man of salvation, the lord Jesus Chris
and you shall be saved, not believe in
the plan of salvation only given to you
by the evangelist. Because the bible
believing church, the sincere preacher,
the true Christian who displays Christ
likeness in his lifestyle and thus
disprove the religious hypocrite, and
the Holy bible which contains the plan
of salvation, all amount to nothing if
Jesus does not top the list of these
aforementioned attributes. He [Jesus]
has said “the servant is not greater
than his master.” So why your faith
should be grounded on these
attributes without Jesus?
July 9 at 4:53am
Selah-Pause and Think by Vittu Taiwo Brain
This is an example of a statement we
are familiar with: "Nigeria is bad, there's
no food, no job, our leaders are
unpatrotic,nothing is working etc." Ask
yourself, what have you done to fix
this nation. Have you ever planted a
grain of maize, beans or anything.
Have you ever attempted an elective
post. When Christ was faced with the
situation of feeding people He never
complained. He only asked for what is
available and used that in feeding five
thousand people. I can see someone
taking a step today. "..... But we have
the mind of Christ." 1 Cor 2:16
September 13, 2010 at 8:49am
are familiar with: "Nigeria is bad, there's
no food, no job, our leaders are
unpatrotic,nothing is working etc." Ask
yourself, what have you done to fix
this nation. Have you ever planted a
grain of maize, beans or anything.
Have you ever attempted an elective
post. When Christ was faced with the
situation of feeding people He never
complained. He only asked for what is
available and used that in feeding five
thousand people. I can see someone
taking a step today. "..... But we have
the mind of Christ." 1 Cor 2:16
September 13, 2010 at 8:49am
Selah-Pause and Think by Vittu Taiwo Brain
This is an example of a statement we
are familiar with: "Nigeria is bad, there's
no food, no job, our leaders are
unpatrotic,nothing is working etc." Ask
yourself, what have you done to fix
this nation. Have you ever planted a
grain of maize, beans or anything.
Have you ever attempted an elective
post. When Christ was faced with the
situation of feeding people He never
complained. He only asked for what is
available and used that in feeding five
thousand people. I can see someone
taking a step today. "..... But we have
the mind of Christ." 1 Cor 2:16
September 13, 2010 at 8:49am
are familiar with: "Nigeria is bad, there's
no food, no job, our leaders are
unpatrotic,nothing is working etc." Ask
yourself, what have you done to fix
this nation. Have you ever planted a
grain of maize, beans or anything.
Have you ever attempted an elective
post. When Christ was faced with the
situation of feeding people He never
complained. He only asked for what is
available and used that in feeding five
thousand people. I can see someone
taking a step today. "..... But we have
the mind of Christ." 1 Cor 2:16
September 13, 2010 at 8:49am
Selah-Pause and Think by Vittu Taiwo Brain
This is an example of a statement we
are familiar with: "Nigeria is bad, there's
no food, no job, our leaders are
unpatrotic,nothing is working etc." Ask
yourself, what have you done to fix
this nation. Have you ever planted a
grain of maize, beans or anything.
Have you ever attempted an elective
post. When Christ was faced with the
situation of feeding people He never
complained. He only asked for what is
available and used that in feeding five
thousand people. I can see someone
taking a step today. "..... But we have
the mind of Christ." 1 Cor 2:16
September 13, 2010 at 8:49am
are familiar with: "Nigeria is bad, there's
no food, no job, our leaders are
unpatrotic,nothing is working etc." Ask
yourself, what have you done to fix
this nation. Have you ever planted a
grain of maize, beans or anything.
Have you ever attempted an elective
post. When Christ was faced with the
situation of feeding people He never
complained. He only asked for what is
available and used that in feeding five
thousand people. I can see someone
taking a step today. "..... But we have
the mind of Christ." 1 Cor 2:16
September 13, 2010 at 8:49am
Saturday, July 23, 2011
ANGER by Opeoluwa Olusanya
Anger-One bad feature that causes a
big rupture,you get angry and you let
all hell loose.
Funny enough,anger
comes,destroys,and never saves. It
does no good,not even the least of
the goods.
Take for instance,two friends involved
in an argument which eventually led to
one getting angry,now the angry one
unleashes the anger terribly,spoils a lot
of things,probably the weaker friend
even got injured in the cause of the
anger-simply because he got angry,a
lot had been destroyed even his
friendship had been affected!!!
Anger comes,never stays long but
destroys a lot.
Think about it,after the destruction had
been made,one fake sorry follows it
up,but what is the essence of the sorry
when the deed had already been
done? A sorry that cannot hold water!!!
Anger does not add nothing rather it
takes away everything,it ostensibly
even capable of making one penniless
because one could loose everything
one ever had like-
Assets,finances,relationships, marriage
and what have you.
I think it is better to get angry and
forget instantly before it causes a lot
that cannot be managed.
Think about it,it's only a food for
thought. Learn to manage your anger
before it becomes a menace.
big rupture,you get angry and you let
all hell loose.
Funny enough,anger
comes,destroys,and never saves. It
does no good,not even the least of
the goods.
Take for instance,two friends involved
in an argument which eventually led to
one getting angry,now the angry one
unleashes the anger terribly,spoils a lot
of things,probably the weaker friend
even got injured in the cause of the
anger-simply because he got angry,a
lot had been destroyed even his
friendship had been affected!!!
Anger comes,never stays long but
destroys a lot.
Think about it,after the destruction had
been made,one fake sorry follows it
up,but what is the essence of the sorry
when the deed had already been
done? A sorry that cannot hold water!!!
Anger does not add nothing rather it
takes away everything,it ostensibly
even capable of making one penniless
because one could loose everything
one ever had like-
Assets,finances,relationships, marriage
and what have you.
I think it is better to get angry and
forget instantly before it causes a lot
that cannot be managed.
Think about it,it's only a food for
thought. Learn to manage your anger
before it becomes a menace.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
By Ojuola Tolulope Daniel.
I am the scream of the young child in the ghetto,
Screaming Up NEPA in falsetto,
I am the hero in the fight against corruption,
Turning men and accounts zero, causing revolution,
I am the voice of the hungry child,
Pleading out in frustration to be heard,
I am the goal scored by the skilful player,
Applauded by passionate fans and supporters,
I am free, fair and credible elections,
Conducted without a mirage of complaints and petitions.
I am the dream of the young man who is able,
To dare to dream what is not achievable,
I am the hope of the helpless woman on the street,
Sweeping and dusting shoes to make ends meet,
I am the talented musician going for audition,
Getting a record deal and a multimillion naira promotion,
I am the motivation of the hardworking farmer,
Working tirelessly to fill the crop ladder,
I am good governance, heralded by good people,
Where the rule of law is supreme and gives no room for evil.
I am the reason that hangs on a thin rope,
The foundation of a never fading hope,
I am the future of a dying nation,
Whose greatness only exists in imaginations,
I am the gun in the hands of angry militants,
Hoping to shake the government and politicians by my rants,
I am the cry of the anguished students,
Fighting for an education that is ill learnt,
Even though we're in a dark tunnel, I see a beam,
Of light, for I am the Nigerian dream!!!
I am the scream of the young child in the ghetto,
Screaming Up NEPA in falsetto,
I am the hero in the fight against corruption,
Turning men and accounts zero, causing revolution,
I am the voice of the hungry child,
Pleading out in frustration to be heard,
I am the goal scored by the skilful player,
Applauded by passionate fans and supporters,
I am free, fair and credible elections,
Conducted without a mirage of complaints and petitions.
I am the dream of the young man who is able,
To dare to dream what is not achievable,
I am the hope of the helpless woman on the street,
Sweeping and dusting shoes to make ends meet,
I am the talented musician going for audition,
Getting a record deal and a multimillion naira promotion,
I am the motivation of the hardworking farmer,
Working tirelessly to fill the crop ladder,
I am good governance, heralded by good people,
Where the rule of law is supreme and gives no room for evil.
I am the reason that hangs on a thin rope,
The foundation of a never fading hope,
I am the future of a dying nation,
Whose greatness only exists in imaginations,
I am the gun in the hands of angry militants,
Hoping to shake the government and politicians by my rants,
I am the cry of the anguished students,
Fighting for an education that is ill learnt,
Even though we're in a dark tunnel, I see a beam,
Of light, for I am the Nigerian dream!!!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
An Illusion
Strength they say lies in character,
I'm a dreamer,
I've been to places where people only dare to dream,
I've spinned around the world like a ball on the field of play,
But never have I seen such a strong character in display.
Some people were indeed born great,
Because the greatness that I witnessed from this individual could only make me marvel.
I just met her,
She's not just anybody to me,
I've not seen her,
But she's the most beautiful person I've known.
Emotions running deep,
Tear droplets on my pillow as I lay my bed to sleep,
Words lost with the sound of the day,
Every moment feels to me like You're here to stay.
I hope this aint an illusion.
I'm a dreamer,
I've been to places where people only dare to dream,
I've spinned around the world like a ball on the field of play,
But never have I seen such a strong character in display.
Some people were indeed born great,
Because the greatness that I witnessed from this individual could only make me marvel.
I just met her,
She's not just anybody to me,
I've not seen her,
But she's the most beautiful person I've known.
Emotions running deep,
Tear droplets on my pillow as I lay my bed to sleep,
Words lost with the sound of the day,
Every moment feels to me like You're here to stay.
I hope this aint an illusion.
Her Story (uncensored)
'They've lied to us all, death isn't the way we'd all thought it will be' I died, dont pity me, I had a good life, I got the best of everything. My parents were always there, from elementary school through college. I had no deformity, I was cute, guys wane over me, I had two boyfriends, I slept with only one of them, the other was too religious, he would dare touch me until we were married. Well, that never happened, but I lived life to the fullest. I had the craziest adventures in life, I remember one time when I visited Nigeria with my dad, the country of his birth, I saw the religious description of hell with my two bare eyes when I got myself and two others kidnapped by some hungry militants, aparently I was worth something to them as a half breed as they refered me as. My dad paid the ransom and I was released but the horror of having to see so many guns and charms never left me in my lifetime. I had long summer trips to exotic locations with my boyfriends and friends, wore the the best of everything, from gucci to louis vutton to ralph lauren to prada. Anything that my dad's credit card could afford, afterall he's a music producer and he's also a highly successful one too. That was how he hooked up with my mum. She's also a musician, kind of a washed up, old school rock star.So as I said earlier, dont pity me, I've had enough of the pity party at my funeral. Boy! Wasn't my funeral solemn? The scary looking priest reading something from that book that everyone calls the bible and almost fifty people crowded around my grave as though, I had called a show. I couldnt even recognise the faces of all or most of the individuals that I saw at my funeral, I wish they'd let me handle the invites, I'll bet there'll only be a handful of people here instead of fifty, even Jesus, didnt get this much crowd at his funeral.In case you're reading this, you're also probably dead or do you think you could read something written by the dead? Well, you're quite mistaken if you thought so.I was coming back from my boyfriend's apartment on that cold and fateful night of December sixteenth, all I could think about was how happy I'd be with him, once we were married, I'd only been in one relationship before I met him and boy, that relationship was wild, he always blew me off, we'd run off to paris on weekends, take a both cruise to the bahamas, have public fights and the make up sex was always great but I needed more and my new boyfriend offered me that. He'd teach me in the way of God and also take me out to dinners and seminars where I learnt a whole lot about men like him. I didnt exactly enjoy the fact that he never touches me because the truth is that though I'd only been in one relationship, but I had had tonnes of 'friends with benefit' and mostly when I'm upset or nervous, I sleep with boys. So my new boyfriend was quite a challenge for me and he knew this, he'd take me into his arms and cuddle me like no man had ever done and make me only think abut those passionate and intense moments over and over again. Yes, I was content to wait till I got married to him.As I made way towards my apartment while fumbling with the keys, a strong hand gripped me from the back and shoved me against the door, I let out a little shriek, because that was all my mouth could produce at that moment. He was hooded and was wearing a dark suit that seemed to make him look theatrical. He pushed me on the couch and even though I was in trouble, I siezed the moment to take the table knife that was lying carelessly on the couch. He stripped my clothes off in an instant and all I could remember was that I was lying face down in front of my couch, he removed my panties and tore at the brand new bra that my boyfriend had given me then he descended on me, I could have screamed at that instant, but the warmth of him inside me felt good and somehow familiar, I just allowed him to continue and moaning with pleasure at each thrust, then all of a sudden, it got roue a medical doctor to note that he wasnt going to make it, if he didnt see a doctor soon. He was loosing blood, but that was the least of my worries, all I could mutter at the shock of seeing him was 'baby, why?' he was never the talking much guy, he just always had an angry face that said it all.'if you'd asked to have sex, it would take anything from me baby.'He looked at me with disgust and with all the pain in his eye, he let out a laugh, a laugh that sounded as though he was being strangled.'you think this is about sex? Well everything is about sex with you filthy whore'. He said with more disgust showing in his voice.'Why are you being so mean to me?''Do I need to have a reason? You dont deserve to live, you're a curse''And what do you mean by that?''Since I met you, my life, my business has turned upside down, so I figured that If you die, things will get back into shape with me'.'So you want to kill me.' Fear gripped my heart once again as I stared at him, Ie a medical doctor to note that he wasnt going to make it, if he didnt see a doctor soon. He was loosing blood, but that was the least of my worries, all I could mutter at the shock of seeing him was 'baby, why?' he was never the talking much guy, he just always had an angry face that said it all.'if you'd asked to have sex, it would take anything from me baby.'He looked at me with disgust and with all the pain in his eye, he let out a laugh, a laugh that sounded as though he was being strangled.'you think this is about sex? Well everything is about sex with you filthy whore'. He said with more disgust showing in his voice.'Why are you being so mean to me?''Do I need to have a reason? You dont deserve to live, you're a curse''And what do you mean by that?''Since I met you, my life, my business has turned upside down, so I figured that If you die, things will get back into shape with me'.'So you want to kill me.' Fear gripped my heart once again as I stared at him, I'd felt alittle bit secured when I had seen him but now things were different.As I was thinking about the next thing to say to him, he brought out a gun. The gun was loaded obviously, he clicked and turned the gun expertly and made me face him. He removed a silencer out of the pocket of his suit that was lying beside the bed. He fixed it to the gun. My head pounded more at the sudden realization that this was the end, a very stupid death, I'm going to die for no reason at all. As I was still lost in my thoughts, pain sliced through my legs. He'd shot me on my right tie, I reeled in pain as blood covered my bed spread.'I'm going to kill you as slowly as I can, so that I can enjoy you.' My heart raced at the thought of where he was going to shoot next. Then I begged, one last time for my life.'baby, i swear that I'd leave you, please dont kill me, I'll disappear totally from your life''And how would I enjoy myself? I need to kill some whore every now and then, so that I could feel good'Then I cosed my eyes bracing up for the next shot but it never came as I had expected.'Didnt I teach you to pray? Ask for the forgiveness of your sins, so that your soul maybe recieved above'I tried to remember how he'd taught me how to pray, it had been awfully romantic because we had our first kiss and he had been so shy afterwards like a seventh grader. As I was trying to remember, the shots that were fired were at least six. The homicidal detective that found my body had said that the pattern was definitely professional. By all means, I was murdered by a professional serial killer, that should count for something in the after life. My serial killer boyfriend also died, he couldnt make it far because he lost so much blood. He was found on my doorway fully dressed. At the morgue where my body was, i saw the gun pattern on my body, it was definitely a cross made with six bullet from my chest down to my abdomen.
Painful Rythm
He's an old man,
Held high among his clan,
Lived his life on the high,
Even though his defect is in the eye,
His mind is twisted as his braids,
Melancholia he is, no one ever comes to his aid.
That's all he wails,
Like mad dogs wagging their tails,
Living everyday as though its the last,
For difficult was his past,
And the future seem to hold nothing,
Not even a pod or a bean.
Held high among his clan,
Lived his life on the high,
Even though his defect is in the eye,
His mind is twisted as his braids,
Melancholia he is, no one ever comes to his aid.
That's all he wails,
Like mad dogs wagging their tails,
Living everyday as though its the last,
For difficult was his past,
And the future seem to hold nothing,
Not even a pod or a bean.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Lonely Nights
Let these hours and lonely nights,
Of missing and not seeing your beautiful eyes,
Resurface again with golden lights,
To fill the once starless skies.
My hopes and emotions came crashing,
When the realisation that you are no more,
Suddenly engulfed me, but right now, I know you're there listening,
To my endless cries even if they were a bore.
I miss you,
But I know that you're in a better place,
Watching and sanctioning all that I do,
May God give me abundance of grace,
To fill the huge space that you've left.
Of missing and not seeing your beautiful eyes,
Resurface again with golden lights,
To fill the once starless skies.
My hopes and emotions came crashing,
When the realisation that you are no more,
Suddenly engulfed me, but right now, I know you're there listening,
To my endless cries even if they were a bore.
I miss you,
But I know that you're in a better place,
Watching and sanctioning all that I do,
May God give me abundance of grace,
To fill the huge space that you've left.
Listen to the sound of the wind
Listen to the sound of the wind,
Soaring and howling like harps and timbrels,
Putting at rest the turbulent mind,
Like the sound of the spanish guitar on a broken heart.
The wind is the doctor,
The heart and soul of humans are the patients,
Oh! Beautiful and mighty wind of love,
When would you share your splendor with this hopeless soul,
Oh dear, answered the wind,
No soul is hopeless, no matter what,
I'll definitely wont mind sharing this with you,
If that is what would restore to you the hope that you crave so much.
Soaring and howling like harps and timbrels,
Putting at rest the turbulent mind,
Like the sound of the spanish guitar on a broken heart.
The wind is the doctor,
The heart and soul of humans are the patients,
Oh! Beautiful and mighty wind of love,
When would you share your splendor with this hopeless soul,
Oh dear, answered the wind,
No soul is hopeless, no matter what,
I'll definitely wont mind sharing this with you,
If that is what would restore to you the hope that you crave so much.
The Cat and the Mouse
' if people were to be judged by the words of their mouth
some politicians should be tied with cords and then hung'
The cat and mouse.
This is unbelievable, a man noted for a very sharp tongue and a very busy pen couldnt write or speak. He just sat down there motionlessly, staring at the people who were all screaming at him and urging him to talk as if, they were a blank space as if he could see right through them.
In a manner of speaking, his mind doesnt seem to be able to translate what was happening, it was as if he had been hipnotised. Yet the real person in him would not have allowed the pompous politician to have the last say.,but yet he couldnt do anything or worse say anything. It seemed as if his mode of communication has seized to function.
As the pompous and proud senator made for his exit, A voice which seemed unperturbed in whaever way, came from the same man that looked as cold as a stone some minutes earlier."you dont suppose we're done here? or did you, Senator?" asked the ever vibrant journalist."Y...ES I thought that was all for the day" answered the Senator in a tone that sent a message to all that were present that he was in an obvious shock to hear the voices of the pesty journalist. "On the contrary...Senator, not quite, I just took time to see the bird rejoice over a seed found in a cage" said the Journalist smiling and adjusting his seat.
"you'd better not be talking to me, Mr man, do you know who I am?" screamed the Senator trying to gain his confidence back, " definitely not the American President,or I wouldnt waste my time interviewing you" said the Journalist calmly,
" you'd better mind your tongue boy!!!" said the Politician threatening and cursing under his breath. " well sir! I didnt mean it that way, its just that as the case seem, politics is a game of diplomacy, i.e. a little bit of truth and a little bit of lie, and if I may sir, I might like to add that politics the way you play it is nothing but deception, pure and simple. " said the Journalist in a rather smooth manner. The crowd that were watching the interview were fueling up, they wanted to scream. The politician seemed wordless for the very first time in the conversation, it was as if he had been striken by lightening, he stood there utterly confused and clueless on what else to say to save his pride.
" Sir, I hope I wouldnt be too rude to offer to you my most humble and sincere opinion, men like you are just jokers, you know nothing about governance, all you want to do is enrich your pockets and careless about who or what you have to get rid of in order to get your goal, I cant believe that I have wasted my time and resources in coming to this place, you are so pitiful,it is only men like you that would end up giving us different agendas for the enrichments of your pockets and your family, you cook up all sorts of things in a bid to make sense only to realise that you had said nonsense" said the Journalist angrily
" BOY! you are crazy! stupid..... because I gave you the chance to interview me, now you are using it against me uh? you are so dead......" scremed the Senator in frustration
" Sir, you might want to hold your tongue, because you are in front of your amiable followers and the most philosophical of voters. I dont have time for this." The Journalist packed up his things and left the scene.
some politicians should be tied with cords and then hung'
The cat and mouse.
This is unbelievable, a man noted for a very sharp tongue and a very busy pen couldnt write or speak. He just sat down there motionlessly, staring at the people who were all screaming at him and urging him to talk as if, they were a blank space as if he could see right through them.
In a manner of speaking, his mind doesnt seem to be able to translate what was happening, it was as if he had been hipnotised. Yet the real person in him would not have allowed the pompous politician to have the last say.,but yet he couldnt do anything or worse say anything. It seemed as if his mode of communication has seized to function.
As the pompous and proud senator made for his exit, A voice which seemed unperturbed in whaever way, came from the same man that looked as cold as a stone some minutes earlier."you dont suppose we're done here? or did you, Senator?" asked the ever vibrant journalist."Y...ES I thought that was all for the day" answered the Senator in a tone that sent a message to all that were present that he was in an obvious shock to hear the voices of the pesty journalist. "On the contrary...Senator, not quite, I just took time to see the bird rejoice over a seed found in a cage" said the Journalist smiling and adjusting his seat.
"you'd better not be talking to me, Mr man, do you know who I am?" screamed the Senator trying to gain his confidence back, " definitely not the American President,or I wouldnt waste my time interviewing you" said the Journalist calmly,
" you'd better mind your tongue boy!!!" said the Politician threatening and cursing under his breath. " well sir! I didnt mean it that way, its just that as the case seem, politics is a game of diplomacy, i.e. a little bit of truth and a little bit of lie, and if I may sir, I might like to add that politics the way you play it is nothing but deception, pure and simple. " said the Journalist in a rather smooth manner. The crowd that were watching the interview were fueling up, they wanted to scream. The politician seemed wordless for the very first time in the conversation, it was as if he had been striken by lightening, he stood there utterly confused and clueless on what else to say to save his pride.
" Sir, I hope I wouldnt be too rude to offer to you my most humble and sincere opinion, men like you are just jokers, you know nothing about governance, all you want to do is enrich your pockets and careless about who or what you have to get rid of in order to get your goal, I cant believe that I have wasted my time and resources in coming to this place, you are so pitiful,it is only men like you that would end up giving us different agendas for the enrichments of your pockets and your family, you cook up all sorts of things in a bid to make sense only to realise that you had said nonsense" said the Journalist angrily
" BOY! you are crazy! stupid..... because I gave you the chance to interview me, now you are using it against me uh? you are so dead......" scremed the Senator in frustration
" Sir, you might want to hold your tongue, because you are in front of your amiable followers and the most philosophical of voters. I dont have time for this." The Journalist packed up his things and left the scene.
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